Remember when I told you about my traveling up to San Fransisco to film a class for Creativebug on this post? In that post I told about how I was up to film a Creative Doodling class that turned into filming another class that has already released, 31 Things to Draw (March), and that Creative Doodling would be released later...well, now it's later ;) and the Creative Doodling class has been released!

If you follow me on IG, you may be aware I've been traveling a bit. Since last posting here, I've been to New York, Vermont, and Italy! More on those someday, but all that traveling has caused a bit of a backlog in my work (and life) load, and I've been tardy in announcing that this class has gone live! It's a 4 part class and we are already in week 3. No matter though, it doesn't change anything for the viewer, except that you can continue on without waiting now. The class, once released, is up on Creativebug continuously.

If you've read here for long, you know I love doodling, and while anyone can do it, I was excited to build a class that allowed me to focus in on it and share some of the different concepts that I use and share ways to encourage fellow doodlers to stretch their doodling muscles!
Part 1 covers some of the basics of doodling. I share my go-to methods, and provide prompts for when you get stuck, as well as using color and scale to explore a single motif. Those pretty butterflies above are just one page created in Part 1 of class.

In Part 2 we add favorite pens and add lettering specific to doodling. Part 2 lessons include creating the pages shown above and below and much more. You know I love pens and color and letterforms and and and ;)...

And Part 3 of Creative Doodling, which released earlier this week, includes doodling on different types of paper, demonstrating how the surface you work on can impact your doodling style. I also share using found papers as design inspiration, as well as how to create a simple doodling record book and going large scale to make gift wrap.

And next week Part 4 releases! Part 4 includes what I consider more advanced doodling techniques including segmenting and doodling to indicate perspective or contour. I'll be back with photos once it's released.

Ok! That's probably enough rambling about class for you to determine if you want to play along or not. I do hope you join me for Creative Doodling class over on Creativebug, I worked hard to develop what I think is a fresh take on the subject and am proud of the class that we created. And for $4.95 a month, kinda seems like a no brainer if it's at all your sort of thing ;).
Oh, and one more thing...if you want to have some of my doodles for free to download and color, I am one of the participants in Creativebug's 30 Coloring Pages class, along with Courtney Cerruti and Lisa Congdon. Not sure if I've mentioned that before or not.
Hope all is well in your world and you are getting in some creative time!!! xoP