Wow. I can't believe it's finally here! It seems like it's been forever in the works...but my Creative Sketchbooking class over on Creativebug launches tomorrow (mid morning/afternoon PST)!!!!! I don't have a direct link for class to share until it's released, but in the meantime, if you aren't already a Creativebug member, you can sign up for a free two week trial. No credit card needed, it's truly a free trial- (ED: I'm hearing feedback that a credit card IS required. I'm on it and trying to find out if I misunderstood, or if I gave you wrong link etc. I will get back to you as soon as I know!!! 2nd ED: I misunderstood and mixed up the free trial and the prize free trial that's coming. If you sign up for the free trial, you are signing up for a membership and DO need a credit card, you get a 2 week trial for free to determine whether it's a membership you want to continue -and pay $4.95 a month for- or to cancel with no issue before payments actually start. Easier than a guarantee with refund if you aren't satisfied. I apologize for my misunderstanding and misstating the deal!!!!) I'm sure they know that once we creative types get a look at the 500+ offerings they've got, that we'll be wanting to subscribe. I've been a member long before a collaboration was in play. Now it's only $4.95 a month, the best price it's ever been.
I took a screenshot from the July preview of classes. This was filmed by the director Brian Emerick and he showed it to me after we were finished, I loved it instantly.
One more thing before class starts tomorrow, (it's a four part work-along series, with a new part released each Tuesday in August. There's plenty of time, but if you want to have the exact sketchbook I'm using in class to start, it's this one. You can also buy it at Michael's crafts and use one of your coupons to save a bundle. :)
Lots more tomorrow, including promo video, news of some good giveaways/creativebug contests, and more details (with pictures!) of the class!!!! Until then....xoxo