It's happened again...I have a creative crush. This time it's the experiments in watercolor painting. (I see the practices of art journaling, sketching, and watercolor painting all different, although of course, they can overlap.) I'm still in the hazy young love stage with these new watercolor explorations. I've been challenging myself to approach watercoloring more like how I approach abstract painting. Sort of. Who cares why though, it's just fun!

This one above and the one below were painted in this book that Minnie told me about. She found them at Aaron Brothers on a buy one/get one sale, I went and did the same, (the one I gave Mary Ann that she refers to in her recent post), If Aaron Bros isn't having the sale, Amazon has them priced better and you don't have to leave your house. (2 different links to the book for 2 different sizes I have)

I want to take a minute to make sure you are aware I have become an Amazon affiliate. That means if I link to something on Amazon, it will have a code that will tell Amazon that I sent you, and sometimes will qualify for a small percentage commission on that sale. Of course, you don't get charged anything different than the usual. Also of course, I don't care if you buy it there, or at your local store, or anywhere at all. I will never link to anything that I haven't bought or want myself. I do a lot of shopping on Amazon because it's easy (I love not leaving my house, the free shipping, that usually the price is lower than in person shopping, to name a few reasons. My closest independent art store is 45 minutes away, bookstore even farther, and I am lazy about errands, I want to make things!), but Amazon has it's issues, and makes plenty of money, so I think it's fair that they compensate all the bloggers and websites of the world that link to them as a resource for readers. I mention all this just to be really clear that I see nothing wrong with people being affiliates, and to be sure you know (I assume you know me well enough by now, but in case you don't,) that I am not trying to make a buck off pushing things on you...no way, never! I have always linked sources when possible, and will continue to whether in an affiliate program or not. I love art supplies and have no shame about being an "enabler" of them, because for me, encouraging the pursuit of creativity has and will always be one of the main reason I blog. Okay...now that I've beaten that into the ground, let's get back to discussing creative pursuits!

Mmmmm...experimenting is so fun...

And then, just ink too. I've been exploring a little with ink (this one shown here) while watercoloring:

Did you see that bird there? It wasn't drawn as a bird, just saw it from what resulted after drawing the flowers and ink drops. Good Lord, birds when I'm not even trying...birds birds birds.
Birds on the brain? Bird brain?
Don't answer that!

Sometimes experiments don't work out as hoped (which is how I feel about the above). No matter to me! Doesn't change the fun while experimenting one bit!
All three of the pages/spread above were done in this book I have and love. Unlike the books mentioned above, it's pages are not coldpress, just a smooth, heavier "art paper" as they call it. Seeing how watercolors react to different papers has been one of my favorite discoveries so far. I have always been a hot press girl, and here is a spread of my journal made of hot press paper:

This is actually this goauche here on top of acrylic and watercolor background. Anyway, after recent experiments, I just ordered this coldpress paper. I am enjoying the way the watercolor reacts to cold press. (Is it one word or two?)

Mary Ann jokingly said that she was copying me on her recent blog post; nonsense! we all know that inspiration goes round and round and I wouldn't have fallen down this lovely watercolor rabbit hole if she hadn't done her recent Sketchbookery class where I picked up lots of tips and tricks and favorite new supplies. Seeing her gorgeous pages makes all kinds of bells and whistles go off in my brain. And when I hear that siren song, I always turn my sails that way...
p.s. if you are wondering, I do see my art journals, sketchbooks, and travel journals all differently and number my art journals and sketchbooks separately and my travel journals are just the place I traveled, no numerical order recorded. I'm currently working in art journal number 34, sketchbook number 3, and the books I've shown above, the ones where I'm watercoloring freely (not sketching) aren't numbered at all -ha! whatever floats your boat ;)