Thought I'd check on the succulent cuttings I've either received from friends over the last few months, or took from my own plants, to see how they are surviving. I'm pleased to report that so far they seem to be doing well!
My current phase of gardening does not include the studying of plants and their names, or even the best way to propogate. I used to do that. I used to know horticultural and common names for plants, take cuttings, use hormone powder and take great care. Right now, in this phase of my life, it's more, plop it in this way or that and see what takes.
If I received them with roots, they get planted immediately. I mean, roots means they're already established plants, right?
Those that have a strong stem get shoved into a succulent soil right away as well.
Some cuttings I let harden off first, before trying to replant.
Some are simply left to lie on the soil and see what happens... I know you can plant these String of Pearl cuttings with their little fragile stems too.
I've been having the best luck lately by putting the new cuttings into our potted citrus plants. The soil is fast draining, and although succulents are drought tolerant, I've found that they do fine when watered regularly. (I'm not the most regular plant water-er of late either, so there's that...)
When I ran out of room in the potted citrus, I ended up putting quite the variety of starters in an empty planter box. I'm excited to see what takes and gets to be transplanted later. I want to fill in our back planter area with succulents this summer becuase I've not had much luck with anything else I've tried. I want them to thrive and cover the planter area and look like this:
Looks like it's time to take a cutting from that top rosette, doesn't it?
They seem to be on their way...