While talking with a friend yesterday it hit me (in a different way then the usual), how we often don't harness our brains to our own benefit. From my experience, it seems more the norm to let negative thoughts run free and expand vs. positive ones. I have a good, creative imagination, just like the friend I was talking to, and as she fretted and worried about "what if" on the phone, elaborating on a negative possible scenario with great detail, I realized that we often make that "what if" a negative imagining vs. a positive one. I definitely am one that needs to get out of the habit of less than helpful thinking. Especially playing those less than helpful thoughts on a looping soundtrack in my mind. Imagine if the voice in one's head was a positive cheerleader vs. everything from a nervous nellie to a party pooper? I think it'd surely have a positive results. I'm going to work on recognizing which thoughts are helping and which are hindering and going to be more mindful of choosing the helpful ones. Recognizing what's positive and negative is the first step. Then I can work on breaking and replacing bad habits . Hmmmm...that's what's on my mind today, just thought I'd share the story behind the journal page.
This is a better thought for me to think: