Although I can not remember a time I was ever around my maternal grandmother when she did not either have a crochet hook or playing cards in her hands, I never learned to crochet, or had much interest in doing so. Suddenly, the bug has hit, and big.

Pretty sure it all started with Jenny's book, "crochet love" arriving in my mailbox. After thumbing through it and seeing this:

and this, which I have wanted to make for a long time:

I was hearing the siren song...before you know it, I was following along:

I am not one for reading instructions or doing too much research usually, so love all the stepped out photos. I often google how to videos when wanting to learn something, but found that with crochet steps it was frustrating, as I kept needing to stop and re-start. Honestly, I can't believe I learned beginning crochet from her book. Well done Jenny, that can't have been easy to explain and edit succinctly, but you did it! After that, I did see Jenny in person, and she demonstrated a few stitches while I worked alongside, to make sure I was doing it right...(yep!).
I made these two from patterns in the book as practice for reading and following patterns:

And then I started pinning up a storm of blankets. That's when I landed here, and that was it, I was all in. Nothing like starting in the deep end, haha. Really, it's super easy, as this beginner can attest, but it's going to be awesome when done and I'll have gotten lots of practice along the way. I'm finding it to be an excellent activity when playing homework monitor or practice quizzer to my son. Pretty easy to get on automatic, whereas with embroidery or even journaling, I like to pay more attention to what my hands are doing.

As I commented to one friend, I'm even slightly looking forward to the homework hours, and that is waaaayyy better than how I normally feel. Above is when I first started, and then it looked like this:

And now, it looks like this:

I'm not sure about the pink there or the pink/red combo. I feel like it took the color sense in a different direction. I'm still considering it. I guess I'd recommend that if you were going to do such a project, it wouldn't be a bad idea to stitch a small lenth of each color as a sample so you could determine more easily (before stitching it into your big piece) if a color wasn't adding what you wanted to the project. For me, none of it is about perfect though (obviously, if you crochet and are examining my work), it's really about how awesome it will be to have a blanket I made that is visually pleasing to me, and also, to hand down to my son and he'll remember my making it while he did homework. And I'm making sure he will remember that because I keep pointing it out to him hahaha. When I shared it on instagram and facebook, Iwas asked about colors or pattern, so here's what I'm doing:
• I'm following this pattern,found on belladia's blogpost, but I am using size 4 yarn, a G, 4mm crochet hook, and I chain stitched 300 vs. 250. I love that her concept is to use up old yarn remnants, but since I only had very little on hand from other projects, I did have to go buy yarn.
• This is the yarn I've gathered:

I'm still debating about that hot pink (which is different than the pink already used that I have decided I don't like. I made sure that all yarn is size 4, even thought they seem to have a bit of variety in size even still. I know that what yarn one chooses for a project (bamboo, wool, acrylic etc.) matters, but other than trying to avoid 100% acrylic (which the hot pink is), I kept the focus on this being a starter project-so keeping the costs down and the gathering of materials as easy as possible as main priority. In other words, I went to JoAnn's and Hobby Lobby. As I grow and learn and decide what I want to make in the future, I can use the "better" materials.

As for price, these all varied from $2.99-$6.99 BUT, I had paper coupons and app coupons for 40% off most expensive item (JoAnn's will let you use both Michael's and Hobby Lobby coupons, so 3 rolls at JoAnn's were 40% off just with app coupons alone). I also had a 20% off entire purchase coupon for JoAnn's, so all in all, I spent around $55.00. I'm perfectly happy with them. Some (like the 100% cotton,) are harder to crochet with than others, but I'm having a pretty easy time keeping the edges straight and not shrinking, so it works to go with a harder to use material for me, in order to get the color I wanted. Color is super important to me in determining how much I enjoy working on it, and the finished result, both. I'm not going in any order though, I'm just grabbing whichever one I feel like using next.

So, I'm off, on my first real crochet adventure. I'll be sure to keep the progress reports coming. It's going to take quite a long time, because this is a project only for when other work (class video editing for example) can't be done, and I'm planning on making a big blanket. Bella Dia states that each row took her about 25 minutes, I'm definitely not that fast, of course. But who knows, maybe by the end of it, I'll be whipping through the double crochet stitch like nobody's business!
I'm glad I tried it. New crafts are fun!