After reading this post, over at Alexandra Franzen's blog, I couldn't get the concept out of my head. I loved it. It's totally in alignment with what I'm trying to go towards when I say living "all in". It's not that I want to do more (or in her analogy, lay more bricks) necessarily, but that I want to do more specifically with my big picture in mind as the end goal (laying bricks for my house). I think I've spent many years laying down good bricks that don't belong to my building, and it's ended up sort of creating a house that's not what I want to live in. (If I'm even making her analogy make sense here.) Like I've said before, hard to figure out if it's a brick one should pursue if you don't have the big picture of what the life you want looks like clear in your mind. The clearer this becomes a necessity, the more I wrestle with it in my mind. It's an ongoing process. But for some reason, the way she stated it resonated with me.
I'm not sure where I picked up this thought, someone smart somewhere. Nothing knew in concept, but I like that phrase, "be a developer of order", so I wrote it down. I need more order in everything: my life, my business, my brain- hahaha.
Just some thoughts as of late that have made their way to my art journal.
Here are some more recent pages:
This one is probably the most important reminder to myself. With all these thoughts about what I want my days to look like, what a dream life would be, can't forget to really enjoy the now, because, as we all know, there really might not be a chance to even get there, even if I'm crystal clear about what it is.
And then of course, there's this one, which has it's own value too as a note to self. ;)
Yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah, get on with it already Pam!
And so I shall...