Yesterday when I had the paint out playing in my journals, I was overcome with the desire to cut diamonds out of cardboard and paint them. I've learned not to question creative inspirations if I can at all help it (it's also an excellent procrastination technique that I employ often), and instead, follow the spark when it hits.
I am addicted to making stuff, that much I know is true. I love every part of the process.
Anyway, I have a few ideas for different things that I want to make out of these, and the ideas keep coming. I especially love some of the commenters' ideas on my instagram post... fabric?... yes please!
I couldn't resist sharing them now though, because a lot of the ideas I have will take a bit of time to implement and they are so pretty as is. I cut up the diamonds out of a Studio Calico Kit box because I didn't want to have to paint both sides, yet like the graphic nature of the box, especially the sides (the tight snowflake design up above).
These are the same diamonds as shown in the pic above. I wish I knew how to code so that you could roll over the photo of the ones with white and see the one above, what they became after turned over and painted. Oh well, learning that tech trick is a project for another day. (maybe... probably not, who am I kidding?)
There's just something so great about the inexpensive craft acrylics on cardboard!
And something about imperfect handcrafted items made from throw away materials...
Obviously, as the number of photos demonstrates, I'm rather infatuated with them! I'm hoping to make more tonight. I'll keep you updated as the other ideas for these come to fruition...