I've just returned from Whatever Craft Weekend which is held at Meg's Craft House shown above. Insanely awesome, right? The inside is equally amazing, let's check it out, shall we? (Be warned, most of these are phone pics, she's got better pics on her blog.)
The kitchen eating area where the giant table(s) seat all the Craft Weekend attendees for meals. Crazy for the mix and match colorfully painted chairs.
The kitchen from the other veiwpoint...love her awesome collection of globes!
The butler's pantry right off the kitchen. The storage! and LOVE the artwork by her kids.
This is another wall in the kitchen.
How awesome is that old metal chore sign?!?
The is the other side of that gorgeous leaded window with awesome photo bomb by Meg's partner in craft weekend crime, Kimberlee.The eating area of the kitchen used to be an enclosed porch, so when remodeled, this window stayed.
The giant room where all the attendees craft the night away. I imagine it was the living/sitting room and dining room in years past.
From the other angle, the sewing and cutting stations.
A better view of that adorable cutting station wall.
Vignette in the sewing area, photos by Meg.
The treat bar in the crafting room.
In the entry area, craft supply storage.
The downstairs powder room with the sweetest art on the walls done by her 5 children.
The front stairs. (Meg's prints of her photos. She has a shop too.
The back stairs with her charming globe chandelier.
The upstairs guest bath. I love her use of gray throughout the house.
Like in this guest bedroom with gray walls, yellow and white striped floors. Perfection.
Meg has an amazing collection of vintage quilts, above is just one. I think each bed (16) has it's own. She's taken her time and collected each one at a reasonable price over the years. So inspiring.
A guest bedroom... with her super sweet embroidery hoop art.
More guest beds in the world traveler room.
Although I rememebered to at least these with my phone, time got away and I missed so much. I'll just have to go back one day ;). See some more over here on Meg's blog.
What a house! It was built in 1903 I believe, and the owner had it moved with logs and donkeys to it's current location way back when!!!! It's awesome, and I loved every inch of it. You know how you see photos of things but in person they disappoint? Not one bit with this house, the photos do not do it justice. I hope you're on the Whatever Craft Weekend Wait list so you get to see it yourself one day.
More about the weekend in the next post!