Yesterday, I showed pictures of quilt pieces I was cutting this weekend and referenced yet another quilt project I was throwing into the mix. I know I need to finish up the others, but sometimes, an idea takes hold and I just need to pursue it a little to free the space in my crowded, idea filled brain. I think I called them octagons yesterday, but today when taking these photos I realized that they are actually hexagons.
I picked up this started and abandoned quilt top in Kansas. As a creative type that leans towards more projects than time, I can understand how such a thing comes to be and I love the thought of putting all that love and work to good use by collaborating with the original quilter. You can see there are some hexagon flowers off to the right that never got added to the quilt top.
I'm pretty crazy for all the vintage fabrics. I am constantly inspired by the old quilting fabrics, always have been. I plan on someday making a line of my own too, somehow mixing the vintage feel with a more current style. One of many dreams. :)
Colors, pattern, scale, much to see and learn from.
I have ideas for the piece of already sewn together quilt, but for now, I was itching to use some of these loose pieced flowers...
I also bought this quilt while in Kansas. (There are some mighty good deals to be had in Kansas, especially at Whatever Craft Weekend.) I believe this finished quilt cost $40 when all was said and done. All that work!
The truth is, I was attracted to the chartreause color, and the white (with that sweet bit of pink thrown in above), and the overall the clean lines of the design. I am not attracted to the hand painting, it really gave me pause when considering whether to purchase. I'm sure many people find it beautiful, just not my thing here.
And that's where the old quilt pieces come in...
I'm thinking that I'll like the quilt better if in the center of each square I put one of the pieces surrounded by white to cover all the painted parts. (Sometimes I think the part that is original would look good showing in part, but not this time.) I haven't decided how I'll enlarge the fower with a white border yet, you can see I was trying more hexagons, just not sure yet...
I didn't have enough flowers for all 20 squares, so I made a cardboard template based on the vintage pieces, and began cutting fabric this weekend. I went to my stash and chose vintage fabrics, reproduction vintage fabrics, and new fabrics.
I started hand sewing them together too, but just today decided it was taking too long and that machine stitching would be fine in the name of progress.
The top three left are machine stitched, those on the top right are vintage, the middle is the sets still to stitch, (down to four!) and the bottom row is all handstitched from this weekend.
When working on a project like this, I count down over and over, it helps me keep going when at first the number feels large. I'm sure some of you out there do this too? I especially do with repetitive sewing things- numbers to cut, number to stitch etc. A means of crossing items off a mental list? I don't know.
Anyway, after I stitch these four I'll experiment with white border ideas and then likely apliqué them on. As far as quilting projects go, this adaptation of an already completed quilt shouldn't be too time consuming...I'll keep you posted!