After 15 years of doing everything by ourselves (and I"m talking moving walls/raising ceilings, installing roof windows, etc. etc.), we've recently started hiring people to get some things done all at once (not our forte). Last week we had drywallers here patching holes that were made installing sconces and other things, all in preparation for the painters that were coming today. We spent the weekend moving everything into the center of rooms. Above, you see a bit of the dining room table. Here's the dining room table and the empty china cabinet. This picture sums up a lot of what I like about our home, the contrast of the plain, simple, understated cottage ceiling with an over the top French antique chandelier. The chandelier is both electrified (the ones with shades) and has candles, love that.
So right now, everything from the dining room,kitchen and hallway is on top of or under the dining room table.
Or shoved in the center of the living room. (The shadow box is by an artist named Kitty Babendeier.)
By the end of the day yesterday, we were onto the family room and we were tired. Everything in there is thrown helter skelter onto the couches. We slept with our bed in the middle of our room (which was oddly unsettling, I'm not sure why.) Tired or not, we finished, we are ready for paint! But no, the painter called, can't come until next Monday. Next Monday?!?! Behind in his schedule due to rain. I'm starting to remember some of the reasons we usually do everything ourselves (besides of course, the $) So, now what? Live with everything as is for a week? Ugh. Pretty funny really.
Oh yeah, we had lots of rain (the reason for the delay, remember?) is a photo I took in the am looking out one of the frames of the window above the sink. Not sure you can tell, but it's raining.
Looking out the same window pane a few hours later. Not a drop of rain in sight.
So I'm a little worried if we wait the week they may be a no-show even mean, what if it sprinkles this week?
At least I have my house to myself. Which means I can blog and visit other blogs. This photo sums up how I feel about the painter right now. It's from this sweet blog that is new to me. It also gives me time to transfer our "growth chart" markings from the kitchen wall to something we can move around. Yep, we write on the wall. It's funny to hear visiting kids' reaction to this. One little girl's Dad told me that she came home telling him about how she couldn't believe that "they write on the walls!"...Surely someone else out there does this?!? Actually, I wouldn't recommend it, because, like I said, today I have to transfer the marks (duh Pam).
This photo here cracks me up. It shows my son's growth for the past few months. (My husband uses this growth chart as motivation for my son to eat his fruits and vegetables- and it works!) I think it's precious that my son decided to measure himself last time. No, he didn't sprout up 3 inches in a month, but isn't it funny that he thinks he did? Just the result of his unique self-measuring technique. Oh, and speaking of the growing boy, his bones have grown back together too. The cast was actually ready to come off last Friday, but the Doctor was on vacation. Tomorrow is the big day! As soon as he gets home, he's going to soak in a long long long bath. He needs it, as you mothers of young boys surely understand!
As for those of you that have asked about my (hopefully) soon to be old wall color, it was called Gentle Doe. I can't remember by who, but I recently held up paint swatches to it and it looks very similar to Golden Gate by Dunn Edwards. Hope that helps! And hope your Monday is going a little more according to plan than mine.
[Ed.: After reading your sweet comments, I feel compelled to add these photos. Of course, the photos above are of what I think of as my pretty things, that's what I choose to see/show, but believe me, there is plenty of ugly and umkempt, I just don't think it's a fun to look at here's proof]
family room couches with any and everything thrown on... I do think it's funny that one of the books on the couch is: "A Place for Everything - Organizing the Stuff of Life"... don't think "throw it on the couch!" is what they were talking about.(But I do love that book.)
And the stairwell. What I want is super dark, distressed wood floors with a white wood riser. Wouldn't that be beautiful? What I'm getting is carpet.