Sweet Kari asked me if I had any idea how to age the shiny tinsel tree that she bought at Target for $2.50. Of course, I was intrigued. Here you'll see the tree as bought on the left, and after aging on the right. It's pretty subtle, but I think you can tell from the photo.
Here's what I used. I believe it's typically used by florists on dried flowers. I don't know what else they use it for. I bought it at a wholesale florist supply store. I'm not sure what other type of store might carry it. I saw Melissa Nuefeld on Martha's show and she mentioned that she used it to age things. It's Antique Gold, so you have to use a very light touch or it will look gold. And if you do use it, do it outside, this stuff is really strong. If anyone knows of a non wholesale source, feel free to leave the info in the comments section. There you go Kari, have fun!