So, like it seems everyone else is these days, I am crazy busy. Disorganized busy, owe my friends things in the mail/emails/phone calls busy, running to the post office in a sweat just before closing to overnight my teaching applications busy, the kind of busy where I feel out of control and self critical because I know it's all my fault anyway, we all have the exact same 24 hours, it's just how we plan them, use them, choose what we do. So anyway, what do I do today? I'll tell ya... I dropped my daughter off at the bus stop and saw these boxes by a dumpster at a house where they were clearly moving. I waited until my daughter rounded the corner with her friends, got out and asked the man if I can have them. Of course I can. (His wife had been using them for planters.) When I picked my daughter up after school and she saw them drying on the driveway she asked, "Were those from the bus stop? How did you get those?" I told her that I asked the man for them. She replied; "Did he say, sure freaky lady?"...Ha! She has no idea how freaky I am! Yep, a craft addicted freak. I think they turned out pretty cute, and am just bettin' that you think they're cute too...does that mean you're a freak also? I'm going to use them to store stuff I have in the garage in a prettier fashion, and I'm going to smile every time I see them, busy or not.